Best practices for tagging in Azure
Using the Azure portal, you can get an overview of all existing tags within your subscription.

If you click one of these tags, you can view a list of resources that are assigned that tag and value.

Using these two views, how would you enforce best tagging practices? You would need to go through every single resource and check that it has all required tags applied. This task could take hours or days, depending on the size of your environment. Even after doing all this, how can you ensure that best practices are met and maintained?
Tag Manager is a tool built to help you stay on-top of your cloud governance. It provides an easy-to-use interface that allows you to quickly identify and solve poor tagging. Once you have gotten started with Tag Manager, simply head over to the dashboard page and improve your tagging in a few easy steps.
To get started, head over to and hit “Try Azure Tag Manager Now”.
1. Navigate to Dashboard.
2. Select a scope, this can be a management group, subscription, or resource group.

3. Scroll down to tag health. You can see what percentage of your scope is tagged (based on the number of tags you use, and the number of resources within the scope).

4. Click on the red section (Not tagged). This will take you to a resource-list view filtered down to your untagged resources.

5. The grey tags indicate that the tag exists in the environment but NOT on the resource. Click on the grey costcenter tag. This will open the tag allocation view.

6. You can select an existing tag-value or create a new one. For now, we’ll select the value 200.

7. Now we can see all the resources not tagged with costcenter on the left, we can assign the tag costcenter: 200 to all of them by clicking the arrow on “untagged resources” or we can assign individual resources by simply clicking them.
8. Once you have assigned resources, hit save to write the changes back to Azure.
9. Congratulations, your cloud governance has been improved!
You can do much more with this tool, head over to to get started today!