Bulk tagging in Azure
Using the Azure portal, it can be quite difficult to tag at a large-scale. To tag in the portal, you need to navigate to a resource, and hit change tags.

This works fine if you would only like to update tags on a single resource, however that is not usually the case.
A more standard approach would be to use scripts to achieve bulk tagging. With scripts, you can update as many resources/ tags as required, although it can be time-consuming to achieve. It can also be daunting for a less-technical user to update tags in code. Scrips don’t give you a visualization of your update, therefore, it’s hard to review tag updates.
CloudClarity is an Azure governance platform that empowers users to easily bulk tag at any scale. CloudClarity allows you to tag using their tag allocator or using their CSV export/ import feature. If you make a mistake, you can also revert it with the tagging version history tool.

See the video below for a guide to bulk tagging with CSV files.
CloudClarity makes it very easy to bulk tag your Azure resources. You can do much more with this tool, head over to the Azure marketplace: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Marketplace/MarketplaceOffersBlade/selectedMenuItemId/home and search for “CloudClarity” to get started! You can also go to https://portal.cloudclarity.app/ to start using our free features.